I already did a post with pears; therefore, apples are next. I´m not in the mood for anything lately so I prefer simple and quick cakes with not much of ingredients. All these three criteria are present in the cake which even has the adjective “simple” in its name – Simple Creamy Apple Cake. You need only a few ingredients to make it and you will get the cake with a pleasant soft and creamy consistency. You can taste the vanilla in it, but, thanks to a bit of rum, it also has an interesting, not just a vanilla taste. Of course, let´s not forget apples, which give the right taste to the cake. You need just 3 big (or 4 small at max.) apples and you cut them into cubes. The cake is creamy, not dry at all, no need to worry about that. However, you need to cover it with the baking paper after some time in the oven so the top isn´t burnt. So if you´re looking for an easy and simple cake with apples, this is it.
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- 3 eggs
- 150 g crystal sugar
- 1 packet of vanilla sugar (20 g)
- 150 g melted butter
- 1 tbsp rum
- 225 g all-purpose flour
- 1 packet of baking powder (12 g)
- 100 ml milk
- 3 big apples
Separate the egg whites and the egg yolks.
Beat the egg yolks. Add the crystal and the vanilla sugar, beat.
Add the butter, beat. Add the rum, beat again.
In the next bowl, toss together the flour with the baking powder.
Incorporate the flour mixture into the butter mixture.
Add the milk, beat.
In the other bowl, whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt until firm and not liquid.
Carefully fold in the firm egg whites into the batter using a spatula.
Peel the apples, cut them into cubes and fold them in the batter using a spatula.
Pour the batter in the baking pan covered with baking paper and bake for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees, the toothpick inserted will still be a little bit wet. Cover the cake with another baking paper after 20 minutes in the oven.
- Baking pan – 23 cm
- Recipe adapted from Marmiton
kolacik som piekla z hladkej spaldovej muky, cukru som dala menej a muky cca o 40 g viac. kolac bol upeceny za 30 minut a bol naozaj vyborny. vlacny. dakujem za tip.
urcite vyskusam viac receptov 🙂
Tak to ma naozaj teší, že chutil, verím, že ďalšie recepty budú mať takisto úspech 🙂
Ja som dala 1čl.kypriaceho…balíček aj cukru tam je podľa mna dosť a upečený bol za pol hodinu tak neviem či preklep, ale hodina je podľa mna moc
Ďakujem za upozornenie, naozaj v recepte malo byť 30 minút, nie 60, opravené 🙂
Je výborný.Už som ho piekla viackrát.Patrí medzi moje obľúbené🙂
Som rada, že chutí 🙂