The apple season continues and if you´re not in the mood for anything complicated or time-consuming, the best cakes are those in which you mix everything together, without any long preparation, you just pour it in a baking pan, bake it and this is it. Such a simple cake is also this Quick Apple Cocoa Bundt Cake. You don´t need anything special for it, just basic ingredients and its preparation will take only a few minutes (it will also be eaten in a few minutes :D). Two grated apples without juice are a part of the batter, therefore the bundt cake is soft and has a subtle apple flavor. Then, you add cocoa into the half of the batter so you get one in two. When it comes to consistency, the bundt cake is a little bit dense, but it is also moist thanks to the apples. Therefore, the bundt cake is suitable as a dessert as well as a breakfast. If you´re looking for something simple, with fall taste, with ordinary ingredients and quick preparation, this is it.
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- 150 g icing sugar
- 2 eggs
- 100 ml vegetable oil
- 100 ml milk
- 250 g all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 2 bigger peeled and grated apples
- 2 tbsp cocoa
Beat the icing sugar with the eggs until pale white.
Add the oil and the milk, beat.
In the other bowl toss together the flour and the baking powder. Incorporate it into the batter, beat.
Add grated apples from which you squeezed out the excessive juice, beat and stir well.
Grease and flour the bundt baking pan.
Pour the half of the batter in the baking pan.
Add the cocoa into the second half of the batter. Stir well and pour the cocoa batter on the white batter.
Bake at 150 degrees for 50 – 60 minutes or until the toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Remove the baking pan from the hot bundt cake, let it cool and sprinkle it with icing sugar.
Úplne nahodou som natrafila na tento recept a blog.
Ja pečiem jednoducho a rýchlo, nemám čas venovať sa hodiny v kuchyni. Som efektívna, možno trochu pohodlná.
A tento recept bol úplne pre mna. Tiež som sa potrebovala “zbaviť” jabĺk.
Takže tento recep bol pre mna úplne Super!
Hlavne je rýchly, jednoduchý, a bábovka sa podarila chutná a vláčna 🙂
Ináč, nemala som práškový cukor, tak som dala trstinový. A tiež kypriaci prášok som zamenila za sódu bikarbónu.
Teším sa, že bábovka chutila, aj s obmenami 🙂 Ja som tiež niekedy trochu “pohodlná”, podľa mňa každému sa raz za čas nechce stáť hodiny v kuchyni, ale rýchlo niečo “zbúchať a hneď jesť 😀
Dnes som ju skúsila, je vláčna a veľmi chutná. Len som ju piekla na 180 🙂
Teším sa, že chutila 🙂
Robila som uz rozne jablkove babovky, ale tato je TOP, dakujem
Ja ďakujem, som rada, že chutí 🙂
Môžem mlieko nahradiť vodou? Alebo kokosovým /mandľovým mliekom? V rovnakom pomere? Ďakujem (kvôli ABKM)
Bohužiaľ, takéto obmeny som neskúšala, takže neviem naisto povedať. Skúsila by som keď tak s kokosovým alebo mandľovým mliekom, s vodou nie. Pomer by som dala rovnaký. Dúfam, že sa vydarí 🙂