Tag Archives : lekvár

francúzske kakaové strojčekové pečivo s lekvárom

French Cocoa Viennese Biscuits

December is here, not only calendar, but also weather, says that. I hope that it will get wiser and there won´t be -15 Celsius degrees during a night anymore, I am not used to this kind of chilly weather. The best thing to do in such weather is to tuck up in a blanket with hot chocolate, a laptop on…

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Perníkové muffiny s domácim slivkovým lekvárom

Gingerbread Muffins with Homemade Plum Jam

I´m sure that many of you have a perfect recipe for a gingerbread cake, the recipe that was passed from one generation to another. If not, I´m presenting you our family version. Even if you have your perfect recipe, you can compare them 😉 I upgraded a traditional recipe for gingerbread cake and made Gingerbread Muffins with Homemade Plum Jam.…

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