Domáca oreo zmrzlina z troch surovín

3 – ingredient homemade oreo ice cream

Some refreshment is more than vital in this weather. You don´t have to wait in long lines in front of a cake shop in order to get an ice cream. You can simply make it at home, even without ice cream maker. Kids and adults will love this homemade oreo ice cream and you will need only three ingredients for it. I´m sure you will be barely able to resist the combination of oreo cookies and sweet ice cream.






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3 – ingredient homemade oreo ice cream
Simple oreo ice cream from three ingredients, which you can make at home without ice cream maker
Servings: 15 ice creams
  • 400 ml whipping cream
  • 1 can of cooled sweet condensed milk (397 g)
  • 12 oreo cookies
  1. Whip whipping cream until it is half, not fully whipped.
  2. Take condensed milk out of the refrigerator, pour it into whipping cream and whip again, for about 12 minutes, until it is whipped. It will not be fully whipped cream, you will not get a “peak”, but when you get significant “waves” during whipping, it is ready.
  3. Incorporate crushed oreo cookies using a spatula.
  4. Pour it into a sealable box and put it in the freezer for 6 hours.


  • Zuzana 11.6.2017 at 9:12

    Dobry den,

    Myslite ze tam mozem pouzit aj ine keksy ako oreo?
    Dakujem ❤

    • Ivana Jelínková 11.6.2017 at 9:14

      Jasné, bude to chutné s akýmikoľvek keksami 🙂 len nech sú trochu tvrdšie, ako oreo, nie mäkké, ktoré sa rozletia už pri dotyku 🙂

  • Katarina 13.2.2024 at 13:10

    Dobrý deň. Nám sa recept nepodaril. Šľahať 12 min je veľa…urobili sa nám tvarohové hrudky.
    Oddelilo sa nám salko a hrudky veľké. Nešlo to už rozmixovať …kde sa stalo prosím chyba…za mňa dlho slahane…zrejme stačí menej..
    Mal to byť krém???

    • Ivana Jelínková 15.2.2024 at 21:28

      Dobrý deň, asi máte pravdu, krém sa prešľahaľ. Ja šľahám na najmenších otáčkach a 12 minút mi bolo akurát, aby sa vytvorili “vlnky”. Asi by stačilo šľahať kratšie a keď uvidíte “vlnky” tak prestať. Nie je to krém v pravom zmysle, konzistečne skôr taká akoby “krémová šľahačka”


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